Shading system for ley farming

Our system is tailored to temporary meadows or leys, adapting to alternating uses of the plot (pasture, fodder crops or cereal crops).
Ombrière pour prairies temporaires, TSE agrivoltaisme

The key advantages of the system

System adapted to livestock and field crops, ideal for temporary meadows and leys

Prioritizes animal safety with a comfortable minimum height under panels, adapted to the type of livestock

Compatible with agricultural machinery: up to 15 meters high

Small footprint minimizing the impact on grassland or crops and maximizing the space allocated to livestock.

Smart technology-based solar panels to meet the needs of crops and farmers.

Dynamic panels generating partial and rotating shade that protects grasslands, crops and animals from climate hazards

Possible to include a built-in irrigation system

Solution that guarantees a long-term income to the operator and owner of the land

Smart technology adapted to crops

  • Automatic limitation of the height of the panels according to the type of crop and its stage of growth
  • Maximum inclination of the automatic panels in case of heavy rain, to provide even water flow and limit soil erosion
  • Optimized positioning of panels to facilitate farming operations
  • Positioning of panels according to the agro-climatic needs of crops
Solutions agrivoltaiques de TSE, pilotage automatique

The agronomic benefits partial and rotating shading

Lower temperatures on the plot and protection against excessive light in summer
Limits evapo-transpiration and water stress, saves water
Reduced risk of spring frost
Improvement of animal welfare through shading and shelter in case of bad weather

A built-in irrigation system

Our shading systems meet the major challenge of managing water resources in agriculture, by featuring a unique intelligent irrigation system, built into our crop shade for temporary meadows, allowing farmers to manage water more efficiently.

Farmers can use our remote, wireless control system of probes and sensors to control a large number of parameters, optimizing the irrigation of their plots by watering only when necessary, and at the best time. Our system can cut water use by up to 30%.

An expert in photovoltaic and agrivoltaic development, TSE is one of the main producers of solar energy in France. Created in 2016, our solar farms produce enough electricity to supply 155,000 people annually.
In 2021, TSE inaugurated the Marville photovoltaic power plant, the second largest power plant in France. TSE is also one of the leaders in dynamic agrivoltaics, with our completely innovative agricultural shade system.

Solutions agrivoltaiques de TSE, canopée agricole

Results of our demonstration program

-75% fewer days of stress over the course of the cycle (Amance, 2022)
Un nombre égal ou supérieur d’heures dans des conditions climatiques optimales sous canopées pour 2 des 3 indicateurs pris en compte (Amance, Verdonnet et Brouchy, 2024)
Pas de différence significative de rendement sur le Soja variété Soprana (Amance, 2022)
Le rendement du mélange prairial, au mois le plus chaud (août) sous la canopée a atteint le double du rendement de la zone témoin et a été équivalent de juin à octobre (Souleuvre en Bocage, 2024)
-1 à -2°C lors des journées chaudes et ensoleillées (pour les T° aériennes extrêmes) (Amance, 2022 et 2024)
Jusqu'à -2°C à 30 cm de profondeur sur la période printanière et estivale

Let's talk about your project

Our agricultural partners

Why choose us


Independent French photovoltaic expert since 2016


More than 270 employees working as close as possible to communities all over France


2.5 GWc under development in France. Goal of 5 GWc by 2027.


Une équipe d’experts pour accompagner les agriculteurs et développer les solutions les plus adaptées


A company committed to biodiversity


How are the solar installations supported? Is concrete used?

We prefer piled foundations to support our solar panel arrays. Metal stakes are driven directly into the ground tounder the panels in case of climatic hazards.

In case of rain, will the entire plot be watered?

Our panels automatically tilt to a maximum angle in heavy rain to allow crops to benefit from the water. This feature provides a homogeneous flow of water on the plot and limits soil erosion.

What happens in the event of a collision with the posts or panels during operations?

TSE and the farmer commit to taking out and maintaining damage insurance of their choice including a reciprocal waiver of recourse clause. In concrete terms, if the farmer damages the structure during operations, TSE's insurance will cover the repairs.

Who maintains the areas under the panels and around the posts?

TSE takes care of maintaining the areas under the panels and around the posts.

In case of maintenance, is there an impact on my crops?

We plan preventive maintenance operations between two crops, in consultation with the farmer. If part of the crop is impacted by a necessary intervention during cultivation, then we will compensate the farmer accordingly.

Is the shade for temporary meadows compatible with all crops and all types of livestock?

The shade for temporary meadows is suitable for low and medium crops under 1m60 in height. It is also compatible with sheep, goat and cattle farms in the context of rotating pastures.