French energy strategy and the deployment of renewable energies

French energy strategy and the deployment of renewable energies

Why is the development of renewable energy crucial in France ?

France is facing a major energy challenge. According to RTE's median scenario, electricity demand will increase by 35% by 2035. With future nuclear power plants that should only be operational after 2040, the rapid development of renewable energies is crucial for our energy future, our industries and every French person.

The advantages of solar energy

Solar energy, with its low and sustainable cost, is an unlimited resource and a real opportunity for France. It must become a central pillar of our energy mix.

Towards a competitive energy mix

By abandoning fossil fuels, which are polluting and imported, and by combining renewable energies and nuclear power, France could benefit from the most competitive energy mix in the world. This would strengthen our sovereignty, stimulate our reindustrialization, and improve our purchasing power.

Discover in images France's energy strategy and the renewable energy deployment plan.