TSE awarded Great Place To Work® certification
Last June, TSE joined the community of certified companies Great Place To Work® France 2022.
This certification is effective for a period of one year and is awarded to companies with an excellent quality of life at work.
Indeed, the Great Place To Work Recognition Program® Represents the highest level of recognition of Quality of the work environment Of a company.
A true global reference in employee experience, Great Place to Work® has interviewed, since 1992 worldwide and 2002 in France, more than 100M employees across 60 countries. This made it possible to establish a unique methodology and to determine what defines a quality employee experience.
In France, two labels are awarded as part of the program:
- The “Great Place To Work” Certification® ”, which distinguishes every month all the companies where it is good to work.
- The “Best Workplace” Label when the List of Great Companies to Work for was published, every year in March.
Thus, following a survey carried out among all its employees, TSE obtained the first label provided for by the program.
“Congratulations TSE! You make the customer and the employee a priority, which is a considerable asset in the energy sector. We are particularly happy to have you among our certified companies.” Compliments Jullien Brezun, CEO of Great Place To Work® France.
The reasons for TSE's success ?
Our employees are the ones who talk about it best, we asked them what makes TSE a Great Place to Work®.