
The key points
- Location: Amance, Haute Saône
- SAU of the farm: 850ha
- Project size: 3ha + 2ha sample
- Agricultural production: Field crops in conservation agriculture (Soybeans, wheat, winter barley, rapeseed, etc.)

Les scores of our demonstrators
-75% number of stressful days throughout the cycle (Amance, 2022)
2/3 An equal or greater number of hours in optimal climate conditions under canopies for 2 of the 3 indicators taken into account (Amance, Verdonnet and Brouchy, 2024)
= No significant difference in yield on Soprana soybeans (Amance, 2022)
= The yield of the meadow mixture, in the hottest month (August) under the canopy, reached twice the yield of the control zone and was equivalent from June to October (Souleuvre en Bocage, 2024)
-2°C -1 to -2°C during hot and sunny days (for extreme air temperatures) (Amance, 2022 and 2024)
-1°C at 30 cm depth from the ground from June to mid-August (Amance 2024)