

The key points

1648 T

CO2 emissions offset per year

2,9 MWc

total installed power


number of modules

3,9 GWh

production per year


  • Location: Verdonnet, Côte d'Or
  • SAU of the farm: 648 ha
  • Project size: 3ha + 3ha sample
  • Agricultural production: Organic field crops (Wheat, feverola, barley, etc.)
Jean-François Cortot, farm operator in Verdonnet
We took our worst plot to see if we could increase its value, through rent of course, but especially by improving yields, I hope. The soil is very light, superficial. We're going to keep our regular rotations. We sowed wheat in October. We plan to follow with alfalfa, spring barley and lentils. We will even experiment with sunflowers, which are usually not suitable for this type of soil, to measure the effect of the canopy.
Jean-François Cortot, farm operator in Verdonnet