TSE, solar energy producer, sets up the largest agrivoltaic demonstrator in France

TSE, solar energy producer, sets up the largest agrivoltaic demonstrator in France

TSE, the first independent player in solar energy in France, announces the development of the largest agrivoltaic demonstrator, with 10 pilot sites of 6 ha each, spread across France. Designed primarily for field crops, TSE's agrivoltaic shade solution is compatible with all agricultural activities. This solution, called agricultural canopy, was designed for all farmers, focused on innovation and sustainable agriculture, who want to fight against climate hazards.

“To meet France's new solar energy goals, set between 35 and 44 GW by 2028 according to the latest RTE report, brownfield land will not be enough. Our agrivoltaic shade solution contributes to meeting the two major national challenges of energy sovereignty and food sovereignty. We are happy to announce the creation of the largest agrivoltaic demonstrator in France with the objective of achieving 1 GW by 2025. Our first pilot site for field crops will be unveiled next September in Haute-Saône”, underlines Mathieu Debonnet, President of TSE.

“The agricultural canopy”, designed on an innovative technological model, compatible with field crops and livestock

The agricultural canopy is a shade equipped with rotating solar panels installed 5m high above agricultural land. Thanks to a completely innovative technology using cables, the footprint of the shade house is 0.5%, with 27m between two posts. The solution is thus compatible with the use of most agricultural machinery (combines, sprayers, etc.) and thus allows the maintenance of all field crop (wheat, maize, etc.) and livestock (cattle, sheep) and livestock (cattle, sheep) activities.

The solution is equipped with trackers that allow the panels to be tilted along the sun's axis from east to west, generating partial shade and rotating on the plot throughout the day. With 400 solar and agronomic collectors distributed over the shade, the inclination of the panels is controlled automatically and can be adapted to certain climatic conditions (wind, hail, frost, rain, etc.).

Reversible, this solution makes it possible to modify the type of cultivation and/or breeding, in particular in the event of a takeover or transfer of farms.

This technological innovation was completely designed and developed at the R&D center in Bourgoin Jallieu by a team of highly qualified engineers on structural issues (mechanics, vibration, aerodynamics...), data, data, agronomy and landscape integration.

“The agricultural canopy”, a tool for sustainable agriculture

Thanks to the partial and rotating shade generated on the plot, these shades make it possible to fight against climatic hazards by mitigating stresses:

  • Thermal: Decrease in temperature under the shade in summer, decrease in thermal amplitude and decrease in the risk of spring frost
  • Hydric: Decrease in evapo-perspiration

The agricultural canopy also makes it possible to improve animal welfare, thanks to the shelter it provides for livestock in case of bad weather, and the shade it offers in case of strong heat.

Landscape integration, based on local species and composed of multi-stratified hedges, will also promote the reintegration of biodiversity.

Finally, partial and rotating shading, which allows the control of the sun exposure of crops, could save up to 30% of water. An irrigation system can be integrated into the canopy for better water management and simplified irrigation in the field.

Agronomic trials will be conducted for 9 years on each pilot site.

A win-win system deployed on medium-sized projects and in a concerted manner

This agrivoltaic shade solution is based on an emphyteutic lease of 40 years, which provides for the payment of compensation shared between owner and operator.

This rental income secures and diversifies the operator's income, allowing him to do new experiments while being assured of financial viability, to invest in order to improve his farm or to promote the installation of a new generation of farmers focused on innovation and the agriculture of tomorrow.

TSE selected the pilot farms according to their capacity for innovation, their cropling/livestock practices and their area of medium-sized plots in order to be able to cover more projects and regions, and to put solar energy production back at the center of the territories.