TSE launches “Biodivenergie”, a solar power plant dedicated to the redeployment of biodiversity

TSE launches “Biodivenergie”, a solar power plant dedicated to the redeployment of biodiversity

TSE, the leading independent solar energy player in France, is taking a new step in its commitments to biodiversity by designing a solar power plant that promotes the redeployment of biodiversity.

France and Europe face an essential challenge of energy sovereignty. At the same time, the biodiversity remains a major concern, the urgency of which was reiterated during COP15. Urgent measures are needed to protect 30% of the planet, restore 30% of ecosystems and double the resources intended to protect nature by 2030.

“Recognizing the importance of environmental issues in the development ofrenewable energy we take biodiversity into account in all our activities, in all our projects and in all territories. Our commitments in favor of biodiversity are part of a virtuous approach, making it possible to reconcile renewable energy and the reconquest of biodiversity. In accordance with the commitments of COP15, we wanted to go even further in this approach, by imagining a solar power plant in favor of the redeployment of biodiversity” underlines Mathieu Debonnet, President of TSE.

The Biodivenergie power plant, in favor of the redeployment of biodiversity

On land in a natural area, TSE has developed a solar power plant, called Biodivenergie, which contributes to the redeployment of biodiversity on the ground. The objective is to promote the reconquest by fauna and flora of degraded natural environments, and to make these solar power plants real preserved sites in order to ultimately lead to a gain in biodiversity.

Thanks to a tracker solution coupled with bifacial panels, the power plant's footprint is very small, leaving more space for better ecological management and for the development of biodiversity. Partial and rotating shade is beneficial to the resumption of initial vegetation. The manufacture of power plants also takes into account the concept ofeco-design.

This Biodivenergie solution from TSE is accompanied by a selection of ecological bricks adapted to each project: ecological corridors, differentiated vegetation management, reptile habitats, hedgerows, ponds, the use of local plants, as well as permeable fences for wildlife. Each of these 7 bricks is put in place according to the biodiversity challenges identified in the field.

The evolution of biodiversity is then measured qualitatively and quantitatively on these power plants, using various indicators such as the area of heritage habitats, the number of identified species and the share of endangered species...

This Biodivenergie power plant has also been designed to be fully integrated into the territory, thus responding to the challenges and local needs and bringing together local actors to facilitate acceptability. Didactic course, environmental experimentation area, landscape reconquest... Each territory is studied precisely by landscape experts. Each solar power plant will thus have its own identity.

TSE, a company fully committed to biodiversity

TSE is a pioneer in this field. In addition to project-related indicators, TSE also measures its biodiversity footprint through the Global Biodiversity Score,
the CDC biodiversity assessment tool. It also assesses the evolution of biodiversity on its operating power plants with the PIESO method (between developed areas and control areas). Four TSE solar power plants are also in the process of obtaining “Effinature” certification, a certification for the integration and preservation of biodiversity.